Willing to Feel

When you feel good you want to continue with that feeling, don’t you? We all seek happiness, joy, love, peace in one way or another. Oftentimes in unhealthy ways, but that’s for another blog. Right now let’s talk about willingness to feel when it doesn’t feel great. You know what I mean…I’m talking about sadness, […]

Engulfing Parents: Learn to trust yourself

Obviously, our parents play a crucial role in shaping our lives. However, there are instances when parents become overprotective, controlling, and emotionally smothering, leading to a phenomenon known as engulfing parents. Being raised by engulfing parents can stifle individuality, hinder personal growth, and create emotional dependencies. But take heart, healing from this experience is possible, […]

The Power of Positive Thought

Positive thinking is  powerful! Thinking positively can help us overcome challenges, achieve our goals, and live a happier, more fulfilling life. In this blog post, I want to explore the power of positive thought and how it can transform your mindset for success and happiness. When we focus on positive thoughts and emotions and  minimize […]