Improving Sleep

It’s no secret that getting restorative sleep is important for your well-being physically, mentally, and emotionally. There is, of course, science to show how sleep affects your brain and body, hormones, chemistry, etc. I won’t get into that, but I will list a few recommendations: If you’ve been having difficulty sleeping do not expect these […]

Emotions and Your Body

Think, feel. Feel, think. I’m sure you’ve noticed that when you have an emotion you feel it somewhere in your body. For example, if you’re angry you might feel tension in your jaw. If you’re sad you might feel it in your heart area. Science has shown that there is a mind/body connection. So, how […]

Navigating Through Mental Health Symptoms

Dealing with mental health challenges can be overwhelming and isolating. It’s important to remember that you are not alone, and there is support available. Here are some tips to help you navigate through the symptoms of mental health and take steps towards better well-being. Recognize and Validate Your Symptoms: Mental health symptoms can manifest in […]

The Power of Positive Thought

Positive thinking is  powerful! Thinking positively can help us overcome challenges, achieve our goals, and live a happier, more fulfilling life. In this blog post, I want to explore the power of positive thought and how it can transform your mindset for success and happiness. When we focus on positive thoughts and emotions and  minimize […]