Sharing Feelings: What is your Intent?

“You really hurt my feelings and that wasn’t right?!?” If someone said that to you, how would you feel and respond? Some people would shut down, some would defend themselves, some would toss back accusations. What if we try this statement instead:”My feelings were hurt when you said that. You must have a reason. Would […]

Living with Purpose

One of the groups Trillium hosts is Living with Purpose. When I was asked to facilitate the group I really had to give it some thought. What does it mean to live with purpose and how does one identify one’s purpose? Do we choose our purpose? Does purpose mean having an end goal? All kinds […]

Nature Heals

If there’s one thing I love and thrive from it is being outdoors. If I’m cooped up inside for too long – and too long for me is half way through the day – I become edgy and have a lowered mood. As soon as I get out I feel refreshed and clear. I’m lucky […]

The Power of Positive Thought

Positive thinking is  powerful! Thinking positively can help us overcome challenges, achieve our goals, and live a happier, more fulfilling life. In this blog post, I want to explore the power of positive thought and how it can transform your mindset for success and happiness. When we focus on positive thoughts and emotions and  minimize […]

Nurturing Your Passions and Hobbies

The things we enjoy doing in our spare time significantly contribute to our well-being and help create balance in our lives. They also help us to relax, give us a sense of purpose, and allow us to express our creativity.  But when we’re preoccupied with the distractions of our day-to-day lives, putting our interests and […]

About Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to overcome obstacles, adversity, and stress. It is a skill that may be acquired and enhanced by various activities, including engaging in self-care, creating social networks, or learning coping mechanisms. When you are resilient, you can draw on your inner strength to overcome obstacles or setbacks like losing your job, being […]