Yoga! You see it everywhere…online, health clubs, community centers, even some churches. I am no expert and I am definitely not going to get into the original, ancient meaning and purpose of yoga. In the west we see yoga often as a physical practice. Before sitting down to write this I looked up the research […]
Tag: energy
Intrusive Thoughts? Try this.
You might think that you’re alone on this experience of intrusive thoughts, but guess what? It’s really common. So common, in fact, that even my previous therapist told me he experienced intrusive thoughts. He once said to me, “The difference between me and you is not about having intrusive thoughts. It’s that I know how […]
Willing to Feel
When you feel good you want to continue with that feeling, don’t you? We all seek happiness, joy, love, peace in one way or another. Oftentimes in unhealthy ways, but that’s for another blog. Right now let’s talk about willingness to feel when it doesn’t feel great. You know what I mean…I’m talking about sadness, […]
Do You Judge Yourself for Your Emotions?
Emotions…good or bad. Do you try to convince yourself that you shouldn’t be feeling the way you do, or you should just suck it up? Some of us have been taught it’s not ok to feel certain feelings. You know, it’s not possible to be constantly positive. There’s nothing wrong with positivity, but if we […]
The News Overload: How I Find Balance in a World of Information
About a year ago I started noticing increasing anxiety. It was obvious to me that I was scrolling news sources way too much. But, I felt compelled to pick up my phone and look again. I have come to realize the significant impact that listening to too much news can have on my mental well-being. […]
The Benefit of Routine
In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, I have discovered a source of stability and grounding: having a consistent routine. Having a consistent routine provides a sense of order and control amidst the uncertainties of daily life. It allows me to establish a rhythm and frees up mental energy for more important tasks. […]
Self-Care Priorities: Identifying Your Needs and Wants
We must practice self-care to maintain mental, emotional, and physical health. However, figuring out where to begin when taking care of ourselves can be challenging. It was for me! Finding your needs and desires is the first step toward practicing effective self-care. Understanding the difference between needs and wants is crucial to prioritizing self-care effectively. […]
Self-care that may prevent crisis
Taking care of yourself is essential if you want to deal with the stresses of life that you can’t control. If you take care of your body and mind, you’ll be in a better position to thrive, but many people mistakenly consider self-care a frivolous extra rather than an essential part of their daily routine. […]