Finding Joy in Hobbies: How Exploring New Interests Can Benefit Your Mental Health

As someone who has struggled with mental health, I know firsthand the importance of finding healthy outlets to cope with challenges. One powerful tool that has greatly benefited my mental well-being is exploring hobbies. Engaging in hobbies can provide a much-needed escape from stress, promote relaxation, and foster a sense of accomplishment and joy. In […]

Using Your 5 Senses

When it comes to managing my mental health, I’ve learned that sometimes the simplest tools can have the most profound impact. One strategy that has been incredibly helpful for me is using my five senses to uplift my mental health. Our senses – sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound – have a direct connection to […]

Do You Compare Yourself with Others?

Ever felt like you’re constantly comparing yourself to others who seem to have it all together? Yeah, me too. It’s tough when you’re grappling with mental health challenges, and it feels like everyone else is sailing through life effortlessly. But here’s the truth: you’re not alone, and you’re not any less valuable or worthy because […]

The Power of Imagination

Through my adult life I had never been one to engage in intentional imagination. But a few months ago I learned just how transforming imagination can be.  I don’t mean this in regard to creative things like art or music, although obviously imagination is important as an artist. I’m focusing more on imagination and it’s […]