Emotions and Your Body

Think, feel. Feel, think. I’m sure you’ve noticed that when you have an emotion you feel it somewhere in your body. For example, if you’re angry you might feel tension in your jaw. If you’re sad you might feel it in your heart area. Science has shown that there is a mind/body connection. So, how […]

Willing to Feel

When you feel good you want to continue with that feeling, don’t you? We all seek happiness, joy, love, peace in one way or another. Oftentimes in unhealthy ways, but that’s for another blog. Right now let’s talk about willingness to feel when it doesn’t feel great. You know what I mean…I’m talking about sadness, […]

Finding Joy in Hobbies: How Exploring New Interests Can Benefit Your Mental Health

As someone who has struggled with mental health, I know firsthand the importance of finding healthy outlets to cope with challenges. One powerful tool that has greatly benefited my mental well-being is exploring hobbies. Engaging in hobbies can provide a much-needed escape from stress, promote relaxation, and foster a sense of accomplishment and joy. In […]

Self-care that may prevent crisis

Taking care of yourself is essential if you want to deal with the stresses of life that you can’t control. If you take care of your body and mind, you’ll be in a better position to thrive, but many people mistakenly consider self-care a frivolous extra rather than an essential part of their daily routine. […]