The Stories We Tell Ourselves

“What the heck is going on?!?”I said to myself this morning as within minutes of waking up I was already feeling angst, depression, and anger. It began when I was doing a process of my morning routine, which includes immersing myself in a positive memory and elevating my emotional state. What has been happening lately […]

Finding Joy in Hobbies: How Exploring New Interests Can Benefit Your Mental Health

As someone who has struggled with mental health, I know firsthand the importance of finding healthy outlets to cope with challenges. One powerful tool that has greatly benefited my mental well-being is exploring hobbies. Engaging in hobbies can provide a much-needed escape from stress, promote relaxation, and foster a sense of accomplishment and joy. In […]

Using Your 5 Senses

When it comes to managing my mental health, I’ve learned that sometimes the simplest tools can have the most profound impact. One strategy that has been incredibly helpful for me is using my five senses to uplift my mental health. Our senses – sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound – have a direct connection to […]

The Power of Positive Thought

Positive thinking is  powerful! Thinking positively can help us overcome challenges, achieve our goals, and live a happier, more fulfilling life. In this blog post, I want to explore the power of positive thought and how it can transform your mindset for success and happiness. When we focus on positive thoughts and emotions and  minimize […]