
Can there ever be too much gratitude? Can we be thankful even in the smallest things? Thankfulness is about noticing and acknowledging the good in our lives. It can be for something external such as relationships, material things, experiences. And, it can be for something we have internally…resilience, talents, values. During this season there are, […]

Break out of Victim Mindset

Life is uncertain, nothing is guaranteed except that you will experience disappointment and setbacks. Here are some “symptoms” of a victim mindset: How to Break Out of Victim Mindset: I know that life can throw a curveball. I know that we would rather have everything the way we want. I know because my life hasn’t […]

Elevate the Good

It dawned on me a few weeks ago that I developed a habit of scanning for something to “heal”…I look for a physical or emotional symptom. When I had that realization I paused. In that silent pause I shifted my focus with the intention of looking for what’s positive/good/right (these seem like judgment words, but […]

Emotions: Why We Need Them

Can you imagine not feeling pain? It might seem like a great thing, but what would warn you of harm? How would you know not to put your hand on a hot stove, for example? Well, we need emotions to give us important information. In a previous blog we talked about the concept of “good” […]