Sharing Feelings: What is your Intent?

“You really hurt my feelings and that wasn’t right?!?” If someone said that to you, how would you feel and respond? Some people would shut down, some would defend themselves, some would toss back accusations. What if we try this statement instead:”My feelings were hurt when you said that. You must have a reason. Would […]

Seeking the Support You Need

Even at our best and healthiest, navigating through life unsupported can be challenging. Most of us need connections in some way to some degree whether with family, friends, spiritual/religious community, etc. These connections can offer stability, regularity, safety, feedback, affection, laughter, support, a way for us to give of ourselves and contribute, too. There are […]

The Benefit of Routine

In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, I have discovered a source of stability and grounding: having a consistent routine. Having a consistent routine provides a sense of order and control amidst the uncertainties of daily life. It allows me to establish a rhythm and frees up mental energy for more important tasks. […]