Over the course of my life, I have had many dreams. I’ve wanted to be a policeman, a fireman, a soldier, a marine, a navy seal, a teacher, a politician, and of course a musician. However, my life has changed so much ever since I was a kid. I no longer want most of those things, I still have some dreams from when I was a kid, but for the most part, everything has faded. My dreams have evolved ever since I was a kid and now I want something else. Anyways, let me tell you what some of my dreams are, shall I?
I wish to do music for the rest of my life
I don’t really know how I’m going to do this dream. I mean eventually everything stops, but I have this dream of always in my life, doing music. I wish to do music because it is so much fun! I wish that I could write songs all day long and never have to worry about where the next meal is going to come from, if only!
I wish to make a lasting impact on my community
I aim to make a better community by doing outreach and working in the field that I am working in right now. I aim on sharing with people my story and how far I’ve come along and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
I remember a few times in my high school, my high school guitar teacher would often times tell us her inspirational story, and I couldn’t be more grateful for those inspiring moments. I want to do the same to my people. The people that I care about in the community, I wish to inspire, motivate, move, and ultimately help in whatever they are going through
The last thing that I wish to do is to be a good man. I wish to be a good man, a man that respects the law, a man that loves good, I wish to be a man that does the right thing even when it is difficult to do so. That is my ultimate dream in life.
Thank you all for listening in on this blog post. I hope that I have been an encouragement and inspiration to you guys. Please like, share, comment, and subscribe, and I will see you all next time. German Gonzalez, signing out!