Grounding into Calm

I want to share a technique for shifting into more calm. You probably have heard of this, so maybe this will be a good reminder to commit to the practice. Grounding in this way when you’re feeling anxious will help ease your nervous system and practicing this throughout your day helps sustain that calm. It […]

The Healing Power of Humor

Laughter truly is the best medicine! I cherish a good laugh, don’t you? First, I must admit, I’m not funny at all. But, I am a good audience! My daughter is a riot and I try occasionally to convince her to go professional and make me rich. I’m grateful to live with someone who cracks […]

The Benefit of Routine

In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, I have discovered a source of stability and grounding: having a consistent routine. Having a consistent routine provides a sense of order and control amidst the uncertainties of daily life. It allows me to establish a rhythm and frees up mental energy for more important tasks. […]