A Quick Word on Coping Skills

We’ve written about coping skills on our blog and we’ve gone deeper about coping skills in our book Hope Awakened. I want to say a little more in general about coping skills. Let me share this: A few years ago I experienced several impactful traumas in a very short period of time. I was overwhelmed […]

Should You Believe Your Emotions?

Recently, I’ve been experiencing what I would label depression. It’s been really uncomfortable and I noticed other emotions like powerlessness, despair, and hopelessness. As experienced as I am with navigating my thoughts and emotions, this sense of depression had me entertaining thoughts such as, “what’s wrong with me, I should be doing better than this, […]

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

“What the heck is going on?!?”I said to myself this morning as within minutes of waking up I was already feeling angst, depression, and anger. It began when I was doing a process of my morning routine, which includes immersing myself in a positive memory and elevating my emotional state. What has been happening lately […]

About Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to overcome obstacles, adversity, and stress. It is a skill that may be acquired and enhanced by various activities, including engaging in self-care, creating social networks, or learning coping mechanisms. When you are resilient, you can draw on your inner strength to overcome obstacles or setbacks like losing your job, being […]