Processing Emotions

How do you process your emotions? Do you try to ignore or push them away, maybe you talk to someone about how you feel (usually this can show up as venting), or do you sit down with your favorite comfort food? These might provide immediate relief or distraction, but in the long-term they probably didn’t […]

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

“What the heck is going on?!?”I said to myself this morning as within minutes of waking up I was already feeling angst, depression, and anger. It began when I was doing a process of my morning routine, which includes immersing myself in a positive memory and elevating my emotional state. What has been happening lately […]

Grounding into Calm

I want to share a technique for shifting into more calm. You probably have heard of this, so maybe this will be a good reminder to commit to the practice. Grounding in this way when you’re feeling anxious will help ease your nervous system and practicing this throughout your day helps sustain that calm. It […]

Kindness Goes a Long Way

One day I was balancing a toddler and a baby, along with an armful of books as I headed out of the library. As any parent with no more than two arms would know, it takes close to Herculean effort to open a heavy glass door while keeping everyone and everything from falling. No sooner […]

Living with Purpose

One of the groups Trillium hosts is Living with Purpose. When I was asked to facilitate the group I really had to give it some thought. What does it mean to live with purpose and how does one identify one’s purpose? Do we choose our purpose? Does purpose mean having an end goal? All kinds […]

Celebrate Success

Do you notice and acknowledge your small wins? And when you do, do you take even a moment to celebrate?Acknowledging small, personal successes is crucial for fostering self-growth, boosting self-esteem, and maintaining motivation on the journey to achieving larger goals. While grand achievements may be rare and take time, recognizing the smaller milestones along the […]

How to Manage Unavoidable Triggers

Managing triggers for mental health can be challenging, especially when circumstances prevent us from avoiding them entirely. When you’re confronted with a situation that evokes negative emotions or memories what can you do? I think first it’s important to recognize what might be a trigger. Some things might be easy to identify already such as […]

Dialectical Behavior Therapy(DBT): A Path to Mental Health and Emotional Balance

One approach to mental health treatment that has gained significant recognition and acclaim for its effectiveness is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Originally developed by psychologist Dr. Marsha M. Linehan in the late 1980s, DBT has since become a cornerstone in addressing a wide range of mental health challenges, particularly those associated with emotional dysregulation. With […]